Friday 25 May 2012

hell0o :)

now let me tell u b0ut my noti friends :P

aku punye lah dok syok minom air soya skali sedut dahabes, tpi kebulurhaus tak henti2 agy ..
tibe-tibe ade budak nih offer minom air teh dia katanya dia tanak minom dah ~
dgn smangat yg kental dn berkobar2 aku pon minom lah air 2 ~
rupe2 nye weekkss! :P ~pdnmuke kne dengan depa~
air 2 air teh crisanthemum yg da dicampur  air water cooler dan serbuk mamee !!
rase dye sngt !! Ahhhhh!! bile tringat msti rase nk muntah ~ huh :(
ape buleh buat~ S.A.B.A.R.

thanxcongratz2AliaNisaUmiMimiygdawatsayeserik HAHA

Saturday 5 May 2012

exam is around the corner,
but me ?
where am I ?
Nowhere acting like a wanderer,
going everywhere without finding anyplace,
still finding something that can make me be myself
the real me,
this time, I'm not really me :(
not becoming better person, it's worst ..
why am I doing this ?
Now I know the meaning of regret ..
It's too deep that I can't tell using words neither mind~
and I regret fo0r every single thing i've done ..

Saturday 17 March 2012

tomorrow -> Sunday

back to the hostel,
it's not hell,
but it's used to be,

sometimes I miss 2B there,
but usually I'm not..
it's not as bad as u thought,

I think it has lots of facility,
and there ,
I learn more bout love ,

never far from family,
and now i have,

i take the chance,
to fulfill my wish,
i take the chance,
for my future,
for my dreams,
I can't lie,
sometimes i regret for my choice ,
but usually I'm not ..
I know this is what my mom's want me 2B ..

Monday 12 March 2012

hampir 6 tahun berlalu,
masa terus berjalan tanpa memikiran diriku,
Dua tiga hari lalu,
aku sering mengelamun,
terkenangkan dia yg tlah pergi
mengapa kini?!
Air mata ku deras mengalir tnp ku sedari,
tanpa ku duga aku menagis,

Selama ini hatiku merana,
Selama ini hatiku sengsara,
Tetapi aku tabah tuk mengharungi,

Mengapa kini,
aku tak sekental dahulu?
Sungguh aku rindu kamu ...
Tenanglah kamu di sana,
suatu hari,
akan ku dtg menemani ,,,
insya-Allah ..

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Another ICTL homework has to be done,,
now it's all about my teachers ,,..

let me tell u what they've done for us .

When I'm 6 years old,

 know nothing ab0ut life,

 think of nothing for future,

 don't even know what is alphabet,ABC or even numbers ..

they come in my life like an angel to cheered me up,

 they were just like a fairy godmother in the Cinderella story..

But at that time, I know nothing,

 Sigh for all the homeworks they gave,

Complaining for all the knowledge they gave,,

But now I realise, and I regret for everything I've done ..

Forgive me all my dearie teachers..

Without you, I'll never reach here ,

without you I'll never succeed..

thanx 4 all you've done for me :D